We’ve worked with executives and teams from start-ups to large, complex organizations accomplishing things new, bold, and different.

Through our years of experience in strategic planning, design thinking and agile, branding, change management, and enterprise innovation systems we gained the skills and real-world experience to help organizations tackle the challenges of today and prepare for the future.

Brand Activation

Disruption should not happen to you, it should happen because of you.
We’ve created unique methods that combine consumer trends with traditional scenario planning techniques to imagine future brand environments that currently don’t exist.

Brand Futures

We know that the future is full of possibilities.  We help brand owners prepare for the future by collaboratively identifying the key consumer trends driving your brands.  Using scenario planning methods to develop future brand environments, you’ll then apply a futures canvas approach to identify key actions that your brands can take.

Migration Mapping

Using the brand future scenarios created in our Brand Futures process, you’ll develop scenario-specific roadmaps that outline the steps that your brands can take to bridge today with the future.  These action oriented roadmaps become a launch pad for brand focused sprint teams to proactively explore and activate growth opportunities today, well ahead of the competition.

Brand Positioning

We help brand owners position brands to maximize their value both today and in the future.  We begin with an analysis of strategic forces, consumer trends, and a dissection of the competitive environment.  We conduct in-person ethnography and one-on-one interviews, and to identify a range of brand positions and work with you to define the brand mission, values, personality, tone, and creative elements that are the foundation of your marketing activities.

Brand Ideation Workshops

Sometimes great ideas come from looking at new and different things.  We help brand owners create a range of marketing concepts for marketing campaigns, products, packaging, retail merchandising, and events.  Each workshop is unique and custom designed for your specific needs. These workshops can also be paired with a Design Sprint to activate the concepts through building and test prototypes.  

Insight Activation

New product innovation requires challenging “truths” to create bold opportunities.
We guide inter-disciplinary teams through processes that activate insights and accelerate products to market.

Jobs Driven Innovation

 You’ll discover new ways to innovate products and services using the Jobs-To-Be-Done (JTBD) approach to identifying the key outcomes that your customers desire in products and services.  This approach allows organizations to discover and assess the “outcomes” that matter most to consumers across Strategyn’s Universal Job Map, often revealing previously unidentified high potential strategic opportunities for innovation.

Design Sprint

Turn opportunities into products and services by moving ideas from concept to minimal viable product.  Design sprints are a series of disciplined and evidence based team activities, where funding is metered based on validated learning from iterative “build and test experiments”.  We coach decision makers and teams through sprints iterating with increasing complexity as design criteria is clarified and solutions are validated with feedback from customers and other stakeholders.

Concept Lab

Create and test actionable product, service, and business model concepts.  Concept Lab is a multi-day workshop where your core team and relevant stakeholders generate a large number of ideas through a series of carefully selected ideation exercises.  Following ideation, we work with core team members to sort, group and prioritize ideas into opportunity spaces and define actionable next steps. We then rapidly test the top ideas with customers through immersions, focus groups, and interviews help frame your value proposition.

Innovation Coaching

Accelerate innovation efforts within your organization by providing leaders and teams with innovation tools, methods, and leadership skills.  Tailored specifically to the individual or team need, we provide business relevant, hands-on coaching in areas like empathy, business model canvas, design thinking, journey mapping, innovation management, leadership mindset and culture, and other innovation related topics.

Workplace Activation

Human and organizational systems must evolve to thrive in times of change. We help organizations turn change into competitive advantage by designing workplace eco-systems that inspire employees, align leadership, focus resources and streamline processes.

Strategic Agility & Change

We work with leaders and teams to create organizations that constantly learn and adapt.  Using our 3P+3C framework, we identify areas of strength and opportunity within your organization’s current ecosystem, and introduce practices aimed at improving strategic agility and resilience from the top down and bottom up. 

Innovation Governance

Many innovation efforts fail because they are mistakenly managed the same way other business efforts managed.  We work with innovation leaders to introduce new agile management structures, processes, metrics and mindsets that enable organizations to accelerate and sustain successful innovation.

Workplace Culture

Leading companies are awakening to the interconnection between  workplace culture and a thriving business. We leverage a unique suite of tools, including  storytelling and artificial intelligence, to help leaders uncover and understand the organization's current culture and its linkages with business performance.  These insights inform human-centered action plans to improve employee engagement, increase collaboration, and improve operational performance.

Empathy & Innovation Mindset Workshops

Greatness begins with mindset.  By reminding ourselves that customers and employees are people first, we’ve developed workshops that connect leaders and teams with the human experience, deepen empathy, and challenge status quo mindsets.  From dealing with business uncertainty, taking risks, dealing with failure, or building collaboration and trust; our workshops target the organizational levers that shift culture.

Strategic Planning Retreats

Don’t just “check a box.”  We design and lead customized single and multi-day strategic planning sessions to surface big questions, challenge assumptions, provide direction and drive organizational alignment.